japan earthquake tsunami

"Jon Cryer Charlie Sheen responds:" The fact is that I am a troll "Jimmy Kimmel Pop2it person tweeting in French Polynesia:" We are evacuating the island," President Obama, celebrities react to the Japanese earthquake, tsunami. Around 14:30 local time on Friday (March 11), Sendai, Japan was hit by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake, the fifth largest earthquake to anywhere in the world since 1900, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earthquake was followed by several aftershocks, and a massive tsunami.

Now, Hawaii and the coasts of California and Oregon are tsunami alert, even if the waves most likely there is considerably lower than the belief that Japan, which is 23 meters high. CNN says that several hundred people were killed.

President Obama issued a statement:

Michelle and I send deepest condolences to the people of Japan, especially those who have lost loved ones in the earthquake and tsunami. The United States stands ready to help the Japanese people in this time of great trial. The friendship and alliance between the two nations' unwavering, and only strengthens our resolve to push the Japanese people because it solves this tragedy. We will continue to closely monitor tsunamis around the Pacific Ocean and Japan next year, and we ask all citizens to listen to the region of the state and local officials, commanded that FEMA is prepared to support the Hawaii and other U.S. states and territories may be affected.

And of course, many celebrities have also tweeting the devastation (including Jimmy Kimmel, who is actually an island in the South Pacific).

Barack Obama: the Japanese to send condolences to the people, especially those who have lost loved ones in the earthquake and tsunami. U.S. ready to help. "

Alyssa Milano: Alyssa is already tweeting almost continuously since he heard the news, reporting on various things, such as the Google search engine people and the subsequent destruction after the first earthquake and tsunami.

Ben Stiller: "Send good thoughts and prayers of people in Japan."

Taylor Swift: "I send my thoughts and prayers and love to those Japanese who are hurting."

Anderson Cooper: "Watching Japanese earthquake coverage on CNN right now. Terrible"

Lea Michele
: So you hear about the massive earthquake and devastating tsunami in Japan. My thoughts and prayers are all there.

Kim Kardashian: "I just heard a massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan. My prayer for everyone in Japan!"

Pauley Perrette: "# for large earthquakes in Japan tsunami and now I just hit Japan and Hawaii tsunami alerts for # #. Thoughts and Prayers.

Paris Hilton: "The images of the news breaking my heart. I'm so worried about everyone in Japan. My thoughts are with you in Japan. God bless you."

Will.i.am: "Pray for the Japanese ... I'm worried about my friends SMAP SMAP, verbal, Kage's son, and all my friends are interested. I do not know any of them in Japan"

Slash: "My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan w / the earthquake, tsunami and aftershocks. I hope the worst is over."

Ann Curry: "Current Tsunami Warning: HAWAII 03:00 local time, 07:00 Pt-local concept, and the CALIFORNIA OR-WA border. Take this seriously." and "no significant impact has been reported in Hawaii. Prayers answered?"

Ne-Yo. "God bless Japan My prayers are with the people of Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake and tsunami, and the people of Hawai.

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